Gearing up for growth

Important changes to billing, pricing, contact details & more

Over the next few months will be launched as a product anyone can sign-up to directly through the website. An easy setup process will be built and adding and managing the many great features in the system will be made even simpler than it is now.

This is great news for you, my existing clients. With a rapidly growing user-base there will be an equal increase in development of new features, security and reliability.

In order to make this happen there is some streamlining taking place:


Update your bookmarks from to While the former address is shorter it never made sense to anyone!

2. Contact Details

The best form of contact is my email address
[other addresses will still work however I'll be replying from this one]

If you need to call: Skype or 09 889 0895 or 0274902029 (24/7).

3. Pricing & Billing

The current fixed annual charge for hosting / is being replaced with a range of pricing plans billed monthly. This will be take affect from your next invoice.

Plans range from $29/month for light users, $49 for standard (most common) and $99+ for large, active or sophisticated sites. [All pricing + GST]. The precise detail of what's included in each plan is subject to change - feel free to let me know any thoughts.

It's also now possible to pay by recurring credit card charge. Details will be on your invoice.

4. Company

A new legal entity Controlroom Limited is the owner of the product. This will be reflected on invoices along with a new BNZ bank account for direct payments.

I am sole director and shareholder of Controlroom Limited.

Communico Limited will still operate separately for the forseeable future delivering web design/development services in the same way is has previously.


Be in touch if you have any questions or require clarification of any of the changes above.